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Howdy World! My name is Kristopher and I am a full stack developer.

picture of Kris

I am mighty, I am magical, I am a Web Developer. I love coding because not only do I enjoy the thrill of solving problems, but it can be a source of creative expression. I enjoy building applications to entertain or help someone make life easier. I am always open to learning new libraries or frameworks and taking on new challenges and looking forward to working on a team of great developers! Outside of coding, I spend my time training in olympic lifting, fishing, and playing D&D.


picture of Dungeon Aide app

Reactjs, Node.js, Postgresql, Express

Dungeon Aide: Github Front End | Github Back End | Live I built this application out of my love for D&D. The purpose it to help share ideas between people for fun random encounters. Also, to help when people forget to plan for events.

picture of Fitness Pizza App

Reactjs, Node.js, Postgresql, Express

Fitness Pizza: Github Front End | Github Back End | Live This is a full stack web application aimed at showing a user how food consumed equates to work needed to burn calories. The team chose to build this application because we like pizza and fitness! My biggest contribution to this project was constructing the full API while also assisting with the front end functionality.

picture of sumo quiz app

JS, CSS3, HTML5, jQuery

Sumo Quiz: Github | Live This project was my first web application I built. It’s used to test general knowledge of sumo wrestling. I found a love for the sumo sport and noticed how little people knew about it and decided to develop an app to help alleviate that.

picture of Sunrise-Sunset app

JS, CSS3, HTML5, jQuery

Sunrise-Sunset: Github | Live The purpose for this project was to inform the user of how long their day will be for outdoor activities by giving them the time the sun will rise and set. I was inpired to do this because of my hobby for fishing and knowing these times help pick the perfect times for fishing! This was my first project with a team member. I organized and wrote most the code making the API request and interactivity of the application.